May 21, 2017 all-day

The Sixth Sunday of Easter



Principal Service
The reading from Acts must be used as either the first or second reading.
Acts 17.22-31
Psalm 66.7-18
1 Peter 3.13-22
John 14.15-21

For those who require an Old Testament reading on the Sundays of Easter:
Genesis 8.20 – 9.17
If an Old Testament reading is used, the reading from Acts must be used as the second reading.

Third Service
Psalm 73.21-28
Job 14.1-2,7-15; 19.23-27a
1 Thessalonians 4.13-18

Second Service
Psalms 87, 36.5-10
Zechariah 8.1-13
Revelation 21.22 – 22.5
Gospel at Holy Communion:
John 21.1-14
BCP Collect

O Lord, from whom all good things do come; Grant to us thy humble servants, that by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that be good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ.