To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
17th February, 2023
Ash Wednesday – Lent 22nd February 2023
On Ash Wednesday the imposition of ash on our foreheads and the reminder that we are but dust emphasize the shortness and uncertainty of our existence. We can think of the disappointments, failure to achieve our goals, challenges in relationships, the moments of fear and doubt, our yielding to temptations, the effects of natural disasters: earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, storms and hurricanes, sickness, disease, pain, sorrow and death. Ash Wednesday and Lent help us to recognize and acknowledge our limits and how vulnerable and defenseless we are, they bring us face to face with the reality of our own mortality.
Quite often in our journey through life we immerse, throw ourselves into and engage in all sorts of activities, tasks and work and never really come to grips with who we are as human beings or some of us do so as a means of avoiding or running away from facing the harsh realities of life. Ash Wednesday and Lent invite us to engage life’s uncertainties and to absorb our mortality. It is only by embracing these that we can properly acknowledge our need for a Saviour who is Jesus the Christ and the meaning of Easter, the Resurrection.
I invite you to join me this Lent to look deeply within yourselves into the deepest recesses of your souls and to face the truth about yourselves – yes name them one by one, your fears, uncertainties, unrighteous deeds, guilt, sin and come face to face with your mortality. May you and I repent and believe the gospel and recommit ourselves at Easter to follow Christ in every aspect of our lives.
See you in Church on Ash Wednesday 22nd February, 2023.
I invite you to observe a Holy Lent.
St. Lucia’s 44th Anniversary of Independence- 22nd February, 2022
We join with the people of St. Lucia in giving thanks to God as they celebrate their 44th Anniversary of Independence.
We pray God’s continued guidance on His Excellency Mr. Cyril Errol Melchiades Charles – Acting Governor General of Saint Lucia, The Honourable Philip Joseph Pierre – Prime Minister, The Honourable Allen Michael Chastanet – Leader of the Opposition, Members of Parliament and the people of St. Lucia.
O God our Father, whose will it is that your people should live in ordered societies; inspire the people of St. Lucia with the spirit of justice, truth and love; and so guide their leaders, and all who make decisions on their behalf, that they may direct their affairs in righteousness and peace; that they may live in peace and harmony and to your honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever. Amen.
Happy Independence, St. Lucia!
Blessings and peace!
Yours sincerely,
The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands