To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
16th April, 2021


I continue to receive messages from Bishops, Priests and people: The Rt. Rev’d Lawrence Provenzano of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island, USA assures us of their prayers for the people and Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and the Diocese has given financial support to the relief efforts.

The Rt. Rev’d Alan Smith of our Companion Diocese of St. Alban, England has been in touch and have assured us of their support and prayers. He spoke to the relief efforts of the church in the Diocese in the House of Lords earlier this week as well.

We have also been assured of the prayers of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, Texas, USA and have received financial support as well.

The Venerable Michael Marshall, Archdeacon of Grenada informed me that a shipment of relief supplies was shipped earlier this week and should arrive here on Friday 16th April, 2021.

There have been other persons calling to ensure us of their support and prayers. I have expressed my sincerest appreciation and thanks to them for their support and prayers.

May we continue to support and pray for each other, the government and NEMO through these trying times and give thanks to God for the outpouring of love and generosity of people throughout this region and beyond.

With every good wish and God’s blessings!

Your sincerely

The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands