To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
30th October, 2020
I remind you that the COVID-19 Pandemic is still here so please do not let down your guard. I implore you to adhere to the protocols. Please check this link with the latest report from St. Lucia which just two or three weeks ago had no active cases for over two or three months.
Inclement Weather
In St. Vincent and the Grenadines, we are sad to hear of the damage: caused yesterday due to the inclement weather, especially to those who suffered loss to their property. Several homes were damaged and there were reports of landslides as well. I am asking Parish Priest to kindly let me know whether there are any people in your parish who have suffered and are in need of assistance.
Mrs. Janice Glasgow, Administrative Assistant to the Bishop of the diocese of the Windward Islands has informed me that she will be relocating therefore, she has submitted her resignation. I invite you to join me in giving thanks to God for her twenty-five years of dedicated service to the Diocese and to wish her good health, joy, peace and every success in all her future endeavours.
Applications are hereby invited for the post of Administrative Assistant to the Bishop of the Windward Islands. Applications should be accompanied by two recent testimonials, proof of qualifications and addressed to The Rt. Rrv’d C. Leopold Friday, Bishop of the Windward Islands, P. 0. Box 502, Anglican Pastoral Centre, New Montrose, Kingstown to reach him no later than 3:00pm on Friday 13th November, 2020. For more information please call4561895 or email
General Elettions St. Vincent and the Grenadines
The date of General Elections in St. Vincent and the Grenadines is the 5th November, 2020. I am appealing to all citizens, residents, visitors, to kindly exercise calm and a sense of right judgement. I encourage you to accept your responsibility to your fellow citizens by voting on Election Day for the candidate of your choice. Let us promote and pray for a peaceful, healthy and well balanced campaign season and post elections period.
143rd Anniversary of the Diocese of the Windward Islands
On Sunday 8th November, 2020 we celebrate the 143rd Anniversary of the Diocese of the Windward Islands. I invite you to pray and give thanks to God for the Diocese, for those who have served in the past and those who are presently serving -Bishops, Priests, Deacons and People and that we may leave a goodly heritage for those who are to come after us. This is a good opportunity to share information on the Diocese with members of the various congregations and to encourage them to take their rightful place in the life, worship and governance of the church.
Stewardship Sunday
The Sunday 8th November, 2020 is also stewardship Sunday, you may have the exchange of pulpits and have some activity during the week focusing on Christian stewardship.
CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP is the response of Christians to the love, goodness, mercy and graciousness of God, in which we show our thankfulness to God and commit ourselves to express through our lives that the gospel is the way, the truth and the life. It is our response of love and thankfulness to the redemptive love of God in Jesus Christ.
Some find it hard to accept that what they have has been given to them by God. Their pride in their economic’ accomplishments has led them to the understanding that it was through the exercise of their ow.n mental faclilties, sweat and hard work which enabled them to possess what they have.
The truth is they have worked hard indeed, they invested their time and effort and money to be where they are today. Thy have worked had to acoomplish their present’economic and social status.
As we acknowledge this, we cannot deny the fact that God is creator, and that this is God’s world. We cannCJt deny God’s ownership. The message then is this: we are to acknowledge that what we have done, we have done because we have been the recipients of countless gifts. God has given us life; God has given us brains, talents and skills. God has given us the raw materials of the earth, God has given us our bodies and many opportunities to grow, learn, mature, and develop as people. All these have been given not earned. Above all we must acknowledge the gift of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit:
• We offer our prayers through Jesus Christ
• We receive forgiveness through Jesus Christ
• We are assured of sa;vation through Jesus Christ
• We obtain eternal-life, Resurrection through Jesus Christ
• We have abundant life through Jesus Christ
• We have the hope of a life of joy in the power of the Holy Spirit
We are the recipients of countless gifts with which to live, to grow, by which we have much of that which we possess and call our own.
We give because this is one way in which we express our gratitude to God who has given us all these gifts. Therefore, our giving is an act of thanksgiving to God. It is a thankful response to God who has given to us.
With every good wish and God’s blessings
Yours sincerely
The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands