To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
5th August, 2016
Internet Radio Station
We are in the process of setting up an Internet Radio Station for the Diocese. The approach we have taken is to start with the Archdeaconry of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and then expand to the whole Diocese. The Committee to explore this is chaired by The Honourable Rene Baptiste and they have been meeting for about one year now.
Parishes in St. Vincent and the Grenadines have been asked to participate in this process, those who have not done so as yet, the Committee will be in touch with you to arrange a meeting/visit to get your input. Parishes in Grenada and St. Lucia are also invited to participate in this process by sharing your ideas as well. To this end Skype meetings will be arranged with each parish.
Temporary Placement
The Rev’d Fr. Coleridge Brooker will serve in the Parish of The Holy Trinity, Castries as well as have oversight of the Parish of Grace Church, Riviere Doree, St. Lucia for approximately one month beginning 11th August, 2016 and the Rev’d Canon Henderson Guy will do so from 15th September,2016 for approximately two months.
With every good wish and God’s blessings!
Yours sincerely
The R . Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands