To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
6th October, 2017
Companion Diocese
The Venerable J Everton Weekes Archdeacon of St. Vincent and the Grenadines will be attending the 77th Synod of the Anglican Diocese of Calgary, to be held: from Friday, October 13th from 4:00 pm until Saturday, October 14th, 3:00 pm at Holy Trinity Calgary (Friday) & Canadian Croatian Cultural Centre (Saturday) The Most Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson, Archbishop of Calgary and Metropolitan of Rupert’s Land extended an invitation for me or a representative from the Diocese to attend. I ask that you pray God ‘s guidance on the Synod.
Parochial Assessment/Quota
The accounts of each Parish are assessed at Diocesan Synod and a sum is fixed which is to be paid to the Diocese to meet the expenses of running the Diocese. This sum is to be paid annually. When this falls short it affects the proper management and administration of the Diocese.
Synod Action Plan
Parishes are reminded to do the self-assessment as recommended in the notes to parish as you prepare to implement the Marks of Missi on Action Plan of synod 2016. If you need assistance with this please contact the lead person in your Archdeaconry, Mr. Clifton Ncdd or the Diocesan Ofiice. Lead persons are: Grenada -Ms. Lana Me Phail, St. Vincent and the Grenadines- Mr. Luis de Shong and St. Lucia- Mrs. Sybil Martial.
Please see the attached document.
Meetings & Engagements
l have been invited to participate in a gathering of leaders and partners from Latin America and the Caribbean. This gathering sponsored by Trinity Wall Street, USA takes place in Montego Bay, Jamaica, 26th-31st October, 2017. Trinity Church seeks to deepen our friendship and partnership and learn from the Churches in Latin America and the Caribbean. This meeting with the theme, Partnerships for Neighborhoods, Leadership and Financial Capacity, will be another opportunity to identify the challenges and opportunities that we face together in God’s mission.
This will be followed by meetings of the House of Bishops and the Standing Committee of the Church in Province of the West Indies, in Jamaica.
I have also been invited by the Friends of West Indians Christians, Canada, to deliver the lecture addrcss at the Bishop Basil Tonks and Bishop Arthur Browne Dinner scheduled for 4th November, 2017 in Toronto, Canada and to a fund raising concert on Sunday 5th N0vember, 2017, the proceeds going towards the restoration/conservation of the St. George’s Cathedral. My wife has also been invited to join me on this trip.
With every good wish and God’s blessings!
The Rt. Rev’ d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands