To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
30th November, 2020


New Administrative Assistant

I am hereby informing you that Mrs. Marcia Dublin will replace Mrs. Janice Glasgow as Administrative Assistant to the Bishop of the Windward islands. She has taken up duties from today 30th November, 2020 and is familiarizing herself with the office under the guidance of Mrs. Glasgow.

Mrs. Dublin is a member of the Cathedral Parish’ of St. George and St. Andrew, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

PCC Elections 2020

This is a reminder of PCC Elections. Please see Diocesan Regulation 23 of the Parish 4-9-

4. Every Parish shall have a Church Council consisting of the Parish-Priest, Assistant Clergy, the lay Representatives of Synod, ICC representative and twelve other persons six of whom shall be elected by the parish and six nominated by the Parish Priest. Provided that ICC Representatives does not comprise of one of the twelve.

5. Members of the Church Council shall be eighteen years or older and Communicants of the Parish.

6. The Church Council shall hold office for one calendar year and elections shall be held annually for the purpose of electing a new Council.

7. Election for the Church Council shall be held the second Sunday in December save that not less than fourteen days notice of such election shall always be given.

8. Communicant me.mbers of the Parish eighteen years of age or older shall have the right to vote at all Elections for persons to serve on the Church Council and the Island Church Council.

9. Nominations of persons to serve shall be given to the Parish Priest at least seven days before the date for such election and should be signed by the Proposer and Seconder.

Please be guided accordingly.

With every good wish and God’s blessings!

The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands