To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
26th April, 2023
Good Shepherd Sunday
In our calendar, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday, the 30th of April 2023, is set aside as Vocation Sunday, when we focus on vocations. I am asking all incumbents to have an exchange of pulpits this Sunday. Let us observe Good Shepherd Sunday, the Fourth Sunday after Easter, as a day on which we highlight the work of Codrington College in the Province and take a special collection to support this work. I encourage you to support this effort to strengthen the work of Codrington College. Please send this collection to Diocesan Office for forwarding to the College. (You may have the collection on a Sunday in May 2023)
The Rededication of the Holy Name Anglican Church, Sandy Bay, is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, the 14th of May 2023. The Church was severely damaged by Hurricane Tomas in 2010 and the restoration works were set back by the volcanic eruptions in 2021. You are invited to join our brothers and sisters at Holy Name, Sandy Bay, for the rededication of the Church after over twelve years of being unable to assemble there for worship. We give thanks to God and commend Archdeacon Junior Ballantyne and members of the Holy Name congregation and Holy Trinity Parish family on the restoration of the Holy Name Anglican Church, Sandy Bay.
Your prayers and presence are kindly requested.
Guidelines for the Caribbean Primary Exit Assessment (CPEA) Anglican Students desirous of a place at Bishop’s College Kingstown. (Formerly Common Entrance)
- Please register your interest, in writing, to the parish priest before the examination;
- A copy of your baptismal certificate should accompany that expression of interest;
- It is the responsibility of the Parish Priest or person delegated by him/her to ascertain the status of persons expressing interest in attending Bishop’s College;
- At the child’s school, indicate on the form Bishop’s College as your first or second choice;
- The child’s reading level will be taken into consideration but recommended to at least grade 5; Parish Priests are to submit to the Principal the names of Anglican Students desirous of a place at Bishop’s College, Kingstown before the Final Exam scheduled for the 4th & 5th of May 2023.
- If these guidelines are not followed, a place for your child at Bishop’s College Kingstown, is not guaranteed. Please be guided accordingly.
Sessions in Preparation – Baptism Gateway to Holy Communion
This stage is for Licensed persons, three members of PCCs (suggested Wardens and one other member), Sunday School teachers and heads of organizations. Please see the attachment.
GATA Convention 2023
The Grenada Anglican Teachers Association annual convention is scheduled for Ascension Day; Thursday 18th May in Carriacou.
Archdeaconry Family Day 2023.
The Archdeaconry Family Day in Grenada is scheduled for the 8th of June, St. Vincent and the Grenadines on the 25th of June and St. Lucia on the 17th of September. We will circulate more information later.
With every good wish and God’s Blessings!
Yours sincerely,
The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands