To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
12th April, 2019
Greetings, I take this opportunity to wish you a Very Holy Week.
Bishop’s Easter Message 2019
I am asking you to kindly read my Easter Message, in Church, during all Services on Easter Day. Please find it attached.
Mass of the Blessing of Oils
I most cordially invite you to share with me in a solemn Mass and Consecration of the Holy Oils on Wednesday in Holy Week, 17th April, 2019 at the St. George’s Cathedral, Kingstown beginning at 5:00pm.
I look forward very much to the collegiality, and renewal of our Ordination Vows. The colour is white.
Plee bring along containers, so that you may collect the Holy Oils for use in your Parishes.
An invitation is also extended to all those who have been licensed or commissioned to renew their vows at this service. Please invite members of the various congregations to attend the service.
Lent and Good Friday Collections
As you are aware, our Diocese has for several years been extending our missionary outreach to West Africa, and particularly to the Diocese of Guinea, by sending to them our special Lenten Collections from the various parishes. I urge that such contributions be made, and I shall arrange for them to be dispatched after the Lenten Season. ·
Please also be reminded of the Good Friday Collections for the Church in Jerusalem.
Institution and Induction
The Service of Institution and Induction of the Rev’d Pamela Daniel as rector of the St. Matthew Parish Church with St. Sylvan, Stubbs and St. Mark, Greggs is scheduled for 5:00pm on Wednesday 8th May, 2018 being the feast of Julian of Norwich at the St. Matthew’s Parish Church, Biabou. Your prayers and presence are requested.
Good Shepherd Sunday
In our calendar the Fourth Sunday of Easter 12th May, 2019 is set aside as Vocation Sunday, when we focus on vocations. I am asking all incumbents to have an exchange of pulpits on this Sunday.
Let us observe Good Shepherd Sunday, the Fourth Sunday after Easter as a day on which we highlight the work of Codrington College in the Province and take a special collection to support this work. I encourage you to support this effort to strengthen the work of Codrington College. You are being asked to kindly send this collection to Diocesan Office, for forwarding to the College.
Archbishop Woodroffe Memorial Lecture
The Sixth annual Archbishop Woodroffe Memorial Lecture is scheduled for 7:00pm on Thursday 23rd May, 2019 at Frenches House, Kingstown, St. Vincenand the Grena_dines. The lecturer will be Ms. Oneka Morgan a member of the Parochial Church Council of the Cathedral Parish of StGeorge and St. Andrew, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Meeting of Provincial Synod in Elective Assembly and Ordinary Synod 2019
The meeting will be held from 24th to 31st May, 201 9, in the Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago, the theme: “Being And Making Disciples In Our Caribbean Context” #Called #Empowered #Sent.
The election of the New Archbishop is expected to take place on the morning of Monday 27th May, 2019.
Healing Conference 2019 (Diocese of Jamaica)
Please see the attached.
With every good wish and God’s blessings.
The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands