To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
15th August, 2022
Lambeth Conference
Lois and I returned from The Lambeth Conference on Sunday afternoon. It was a good and stimulating experience to listen to the various presentations, to meet, fellr›wship, participate in Bible study, and discuss matters pertaining to the Church and the world with bishops from different parts of the Anglican Communion. Information on the Conference can be obtained on the Lambeth Conference Website.
I hope to be on vacation from 16th to 31st August, 2022. During this period the Venerable Christian Glasgow will have oversight of the Diocese.
Diocesan Synod 2022
Please note that the Diocesan Synod scheduled for 9th to 13th October, 2022 with 8th and 14th as travelling days, business sessions will now be held at the Department of Finance, Finance Administrative Centre, Conference Room, Point Seraphine, Castries, St. Lucia. See the attached entry requirements.
Blessings and peace!
Yours sincerely,
The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands