To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
16th December, 2016
Greetings, grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ!
Christmas Message 2016
I am asking all Incumbents to kindly read the Bishop’s Christmas Message 2016 in all Churches on Christmas Day on Sunday 25th December, 2016. Please see the attached.
Clergy Wellness
All Incumbents, assistant priests/curates are reminded to take their week off for rest, reading and reflection. This may be taken from after Christmas Day but not later than 2nd February, 2017. Please make arrangements to have your parish covered during this time and forward this· information to me. You are also being encouraged to plan and take your annual vacation.
Diocesan Regulation 24: Of the Clergy
- (a) Every Incumbent who desires to take Vacation leave shall consult his/her PCC and make application to the Bishop in writing not less than one month before the proposed date of the leave, informing the Bishop at the same time of the arrangements for the administration of the Parish during his/her absence. A schedule of services during his/her absence should accompany the application (this must include the names of those who will be leading the various services).
- “Vacation leave” means absence from duty other than on Sick leave or Study leave for a period exceeding three days. “Vacation Leave” must be taken annually and must not exceed one month.
I ask your prayers for Mr. Dennis Lewis, father of the Rev’d Mrs. Myrtle Gordon, who is very ill and is a patient at the General Hospital in Grenada. Let us also pray for Myrtle and other relatives and friends and the doctors and nurses and who are ministering to him.
With every good wish and God’s blessings!
Yours sincerely
The R . Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands