To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
21st March, 2017
Greetings, be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us,a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God!
We have learnt of the passing of Mrs. Iola Solomon of Villa area, St. John’s, Antigua, who died early this morning Tuesday 21st March, 2017 at her home. She was the Mother of Mrs. Janice Glasgow, Administrative Assistant, Diocesan Office.
Rest eternal grant unto her, 0 Lord. And let light perpetual shine upon her. Amen. May she rest in peace.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the Solomon Family, Mrs. Janice Glasgow, other members of the family, relatives and friends. May they experience the comfort of God’s Holy presence, and know the consolation of His love. Amen.
With every good wish and God’s Blessings!
The Venerable Christian Glasgow
Archdeacon with oversight of the Diocese