To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
26th January, 2018



St. Lucia celebrated its 39th anniversary of Independence on Thursday 22nd February, 2018. We pray God’s continued blessings and guidance on Governor General, His Excellency Sir Emmanuel Neville Cenac, Prime Minister, The Honourable Allen Michael Chastanet and leader of the Opposition, The Honourable Phillip Joseph Pierre other members of parliament and the people of St. Lucia.

O God our Father, whose will it is that your people should live in ordered societies; inspire the people of St. Lucia with the spirit of justice, truth and love; and so guide their leaders, and all who make decisions on their behalf, that they may direct their affairs in righteousness and peace; that they may live in peace and harmony and to your honour and glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.  Amen.

Healing Conference 2018 – Jamaica 

I have been invited to be the visiting Bishop at the Healing Conference this year. I invite you to journey with me to Jamaica for the Conference. 

Please see information below:

The Annual Healing Conference has been scheduled for the weekend of May 25-27, 2018 at Holiday Inn Resort, Montego Bay, Jamaica. 

It opens on Friday evening and ends after lunch on Sunday afternoon.  This means that overseas visitors would normally be expected to spend three nights at the hotel.  Montego Bay Airport is the recommended arrival and departure point.  

The hotel accommodation and conference fees are set out below:-

                        Single Occupancy for 3 nights            US$621   

                        Double Occupancy for 3 nights          US$434    

                        Triple Occupancy for 3 nights            US$385   

An additional night would cost a further US$171 for the single occupant, US$104 for double and $95 triple occupant. 

The reservations are made by rooms, so kindly indicate early the number of rooms you may require (single, double or triple) and then provide us with the names and email addresses of those who will share each room.  Information about any special needs would also be most helpful (e.g. dietary needs, wheelchair accessibility, floor preference etc.)  

Contact Sister Fiona Simpson at for any further information. 

With every good wish and God’s blessings!

Yours sincerely

The Rt. Rev’ d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands