To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
25th November, 2016
Greetings, Jesus says, surely I am coming soon! Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!
Advent Mission 2017
The Advent Mission Service 2017 in the Archdeaconry of St. Vincent and the Grenadines is scheduled for 9:30am on Advent Sunday 2ihNovember, 2016 at the Arnos Vale Sporting Complex. This will be followed by the Youth service at 2:00pm. I am encouraging you to kindly stay on for the Youth Service in the afternoon, your presence will be greatly appreciated. The theme is: “As a Shoot From The Root: Mission from the Place of The Local Church.” The Preacher is the Rev’d Canon Michael Marshall, Rector of the Parish of St. Andrew, Grenville with The Holy Innocents, St.Giles and St. Michael, St Andrew, Grenada.
Let us all prepare to renew our Baptismal Vows and to rekindle our Commitment as disciples of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
All Anglicans and Friends of Anglicanism are invited to attend.
The Advent Mission Service will be broadcast live on SVG TV in memory of Miss. Beryl Baptiste MBE -(1926-2015), a faithful Christian who was its first sole sponsor and who has given us this idea of having the service televised so that those who are no longer able to be present may share in worship through this means. The “live” broadcast is sponsored by her daughters the Hon Rene Baptiste CMG and Dr Rosalind Ambrose OBE.
The Advent Mission Service will also be on Live Stream via the internet at
With every good wish and God’s blessings!
Yours Sincerely
The R . Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands