To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
26th January, 2017
Canon Clement Francis
The Rev’d Canon Clement Francis has informed me that he will be closing his pastoral relationship with the Parish of Christ the King, with St. Francis, Carriacou, Grenada and bringing an end to fulltime Ministry with effect from 31st January 2017.
Canon Francis served as Rector of the parish of St.George, with St Alban, St. Peter, St. luke and St. Vincent, and as Archdeacon of Grenada from 1988-1997, during this period he was also in charge of the Parish of St. David and St. Paul. Canon also served in the Parish of St. Andrew, Grenville, St. John, Gouyave and as Priest in Charge of Christ the King, Carriacou, Grenada for the past six years. He also served for a short period in the Parish of Grace Church, Riviere Doree, with St.Pauland Christ The King,St. Lucia.
There will be the celebration of the Holy Eucharist in thanksgiving to God for Canon Clement Francis’ Ministry, 4:30pm on Tuesday 31st January, 2017, at Christ the King Parish Church, Carriacou Grenada. Your prayers and presence will be greatly appreciated.
On behalf of the Diocese I give thanks to God for his ministry, and extend best wishes to Canon Clement and Mrs. Francis and pray God’s continued blessings on them as they move into this new phase of life.
Change of Venue – Servers Festival 2017
Please be advised that the annual Servers’ Festival in the Archdeaconry of St. Vincent and the Grenadines which is scheduled for 9:30am on Saturday 4th February, 2017 will now be held at the St. James Parish Church, Layou. Please inform the Rev’d Eleanor Glasgow of how many servers will be attending from your parish. You are also reminded to make the contribution of $175.00 XCD directly to the Parish of St. James.
Diocesan Almanac 2017
The Diocesan Almanac 2017 is now available, Parishes are asked to kindly contact the Diocesan Office to collect. The cost of per almanac copy is $10.00XCD. Parishes that have outstanding payments to the Diocese from previous years are asked to kindly make those payments good.
Annual Pre- Lenten Clergy Retreat
The Annual Pre-Lenten Clergy Retreat will be held at the Anglican Pastoral Centre, Montrose, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines from Tuesday 21st to Thursday 23rd February, 2017 with travel days being Monday 20th and Friday 24th February, 2017. The Retreat conductor is the Rev’d Canon Wayne Isaacs.
God willing I’ll ordain Samuel James Ruthven Byam to the Holy Order of Deacons at 5:00pm on Tuesday 7th March, 2017 being the feast of Perpetua, Felicity and their companions, Martyrs at Carthage, 202 at the St. George’s Parish Church, Church Street, St. George’s, Grenada. After the ordination he will serve as a Non Stipendiary Deacon in the Archdeaconry of Grenada. Your prayers and presence are requested.
With every good wish and God’s blessings!
Yours sincerely
The R . Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands