To: Clergy and People

From: The Bishop

2nd December, 2016

Greetings, Jesus says, surely I am coming soon! Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Rebroadcast of the Advent Mission Service

We are hoping to have a rebroadcast of the Advent Mission Service. The cost to do so is $1,239.30 XCD. Your kind contribution towards this will allow us to confirm the rebroadcast,before Advent Season is over.

For further information please contact the Diocesan Office at 456-1895 or

At Home

Please be advised that the Rev’d Fr. Ulric Jones has been discharged from the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital and is now at home. His contact number is 457-5226.

We pray that he may continue to experience the comfort of God’s Holy presence and the power of his healing grace. Amen.

With every good wish and God’s blessings!

The R . Rev’d C. Leopold Friday

Bishop of the Windward Islands