To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
8th July, 2019


I received the attached today from the Provincial Secretary.

I am asking you to kindly pay attention to Resolution #2: 
The request for the dioceses of the Province to explore ways and means of providing temporary finances within the next sixty days to enable Codrington College to continue its contribution to mission and ministry in the Province.

To this end I am asking you to encourage members of the various congregations to respond to this appeal through a special collection to be taken in each parish on Sunday 4th August, 2019 or through direct contributions before. Contributions can be sent to Diocesan office marked Codrington College, Barbados. For more information Please call 784 4561895, Magic Jack 347 772 2366 or email

With every good wish and God’s blessings!


The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands