To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
8th May, 2020
Eastertide greetings!
The COVID-19 Pandemic is still with us. Within the Diocese of the Windward Islands, so far, we have contained it. This is not a time to return to old habits and unchanged ro.utines. We have to adjust to new norms, if we forget this reality; we put others, ourselves and our families at risk. We must act RESPONSIBLY.
As we resume services in the Diocese this Sunday l0th May, 2020, we must keep this in mind. The guidelines below apply to the archdeaconry of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Grenada is currently working out details for the resumption of services with their authorities and the authorities in St. Lucia have issued guidelines for resuming services there.
Guidelines for resuming services in the Archdeaconry of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
You are being kindly asked to do the following:
• Post several signs at and near the entrance(s) and Inside the Church alerting members of the protocols from the Ministry of health regarding COVID-19 and that they must follow the 6ft distancing at all times.
• Announce social/physical distancing expectations periodically.
• Ensure that 6 feet social/physical distancing is maintained within aisles, between pews/seating rows (front, sides and back)
• Avoid holding hands during the service/prayers.
• Avoid handshakes as a form of greeting/sign of peace.
• Avoid bugging and greeting with a kiss
• Modify the method for collecting offering i.e. instead of passing round a collection tray/basket:- Use a stationary collection box or extended (poled) collection bags by an usher i
• The Sanctuary Party wash their hands or use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% alcohol prior to conducting the service and before the Eucharistic Prayer and after the service. The Sanctuary Party must maintain the 6 feet social/physical distancing when processing and at all times.
• Communion is to be administered in one kind (Body) with the celebrant consuming the blood.
• Ensure that the 6 feet social/physical distancing is maintained during the administration of Holy Communion.
• Maintain the requisite number of people in the church according to the size and adhering to the 6 feet social/physical distancing.
• Wash hands after handling offering
• Clean and sanitize highly touched areas and items before and after each service. (Pews, chairs, lectern, tables, surfaces, door knobs).
• Provide sanitizing stations for congregation entering and leaving the building.
• Churches are asked to provide liquid soap and or an alcohol-based sanitizing gel and paper towels for use in bathrooms.
• Ensure that there is no gathering inside or outside of the church, before or after services.
• Wear mask, according to the guidelines given by the Ministry of Health.
• Inform your members and visitors of the following:- anyone who has symptoms of acute respiratory illness should stay at home.- if you are sick, have a fever or signs of a fever, and any other flu-like symptoms- Members who have recently returned from overseas and are under quarantine Members who have been in close contact with someone infected by COVID 19 should stay at home.
Funerals must be restricted to family members following the guidelines of the Ministry of Health. (25 persons is recommended) Guidelines with regards to weddings and baptisms will be sent to you in due course.
Please view the link attached from the Ministry of Health in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Diocesan Council
1. There was a meeting of the Diocesan Council on Thursd.ay 7th May, 2020 at this meeting it was decided that the various Diocesan Commissions and Committees- Social Justice and Responsibility- Mission, Renewal, Ecumenism and interfaith- Ministry and stewardship- Youth- Family Life Organisations- Diocesan Board of Education- Diocesan Board of Finance-Disaster Management meet to look at Where we are now? What are we doing? What do we need to do? What resources do we have? And to do a SMART Analysis. S- Specific M- Measurable A-Achievable R-Realistic T-Time Scaled, and make recommendations to the Diocesan Council re-our continued response to the impact of COVID-19.
We have learnt of the passing of Junior Jones son of the Rev’d Fr. Ulric and Mrs. Jones of Calliaqua, St. vincent and the Grenadines who died in New York, USA earlier this morning. We extend our sympathy to Fr. Ulric Jones and his wife Marilyn and family, other relatives and friends. May they experience the comfort of God’s holy presence, and know the consolation of God’s love.
Rest eternal grant unto Junior O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
With every good wish and God’s blessings!
Yours sincerely
The Rt. Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands