Luke the Evangelist
Principal Service
Isaiah 35.3-6 or
Acts 16.6-12a
Psalm 147.1-7
2 Timothy 4.5-17
Luke 10.1-9
Third Service
Isaiah 55
Luke 1.1-4
Morning Psalms
Psalms 145, 146
Second Service
Ecclesiasticus 38.1-14 or
Isaiah 61.1-6
Colossians 4.7-18
Evening Psalm
Psalm 103
BCP Collect
Almighty God, who calledst Luke the Physician, whose praise is in the Gospel, to be an Evangelist, and Physician of the soul; May it please thee that, by the wholesome medicines of the doctrine delivered by him, all the diseases of our souls may be healed; through the merits of thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord.