Pray with Us

Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. [Philippians 4:6]

Please send us your prayer or prayer request and believe that God will continue to enhance and bless your life.

At times, we all could use someone walking along beside us, praying for and praying with us, supporting and encouraging us. The Diocese wishes to provide the opportunity for you to do just that! We would love for you to feel free to submit your requests knowing that all prayers and prayer requests are confidential.

It is a privilege for us to support one another during both good and difficult times, and we want to thank those of you who are faithfully praying for others!

Prayer Requests

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    Prayers and Thanksgiving


    T: (784) 456-1895 / (347) 772-2366
    F: (784) 456-2591


    Anglican Pastoral Centre
    New Montrose, Box 502
    St. Vincent & the Grenadines


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