To: Clergy and People SVG

From: The Bishop

13th May, 2016


Pastoral Assistants Programme

The first part of the Pastoral Assistants Programme is scheduled for Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th June, 2016 at the Anglican Pastoral Centre, Montrose, Kingstown. It begins at 9:30am each day. Accommodation will be provided at the Pastoral Centre for those who wish to overnight on Saturday and the Holy Eucharist will be celebrated at the Chapel on Sunday morning. It will be conducted by the Rev’d Canon DeVere Murrell.

The topics to be covered are:

  1. Leading Christian Education/Bible Study
  2. Leading services
  3. Administering Holy Communion.

All who are interested in participating in this programme are kindly asked to register through your Parish Priest by Wednesday 25th May, 2016.

With every good wish and God’s blessings!

Yours sincerely

The R . Rev’d C. Leopold Friday

Bishop of the Windward Islands