To: Clergy and People

From: The Bishop Greetings!

18th March, 2016

Bishop’s Easter Message 2016
I am  kindly  requesting you  to read  my  Easter message during  the  celebration of  the  Holy Eucharist in all churches in your Parish on Easter Day. The message is attached here.

Mass of the Blessing Oils
Imost cordially  invite  you to share with me in a solemn Mass and Consecration of the Holy Oils on Maundy Thursday, 24th March, 2016 at the Church of the Ascension, Sion Hill beginning at 9:30am.

I look forward very much to the collegiality, and renewal of our Ordination Vows. The Colour is white Stole.

Please bring along containers,so that you may collect the Holy Oils for use in your Parishes. An invitation is also extended to all those who have been licensed or commissioned to renew their vows at this service.  Kindly encourage members of your various congregations to attend.

I am kindly reminding all incumbents to invite those in your respective parishes who have been licensed and/or  commissioned to the service on Maundy Thursday, 9:30am at the Church of the Ascension, Sion Hill to reaffirm their  promise  to serve God faithfully in the  ministry to which they have been licensed and commissioned.

Lent and Good Friday Collections
As you are aware,our Diocese has for several years been extending our missionary outreach to West Africa, and particularly to the Diocese of Guinea, by sending to them our special Lenten Collections  from  the  various  parishes. I urge  that  such contributions be  made, and I shall arrange for them to be despatched after the Lenten Season.

Please also be reminded of the Good Friday Collections for the Church in Jerusalem.

Servers Retreat
The annual servers Retreat in the Archdeaconry of St. Vincent and the Grenadines is scheduled for  6:00pm  Friday 15th to 3:00pm  Sunday 17th April, 2016 at the Anglican Pastoral Centre, Montrose Kingstown  St. Vincent  and the  Grenadines. The Retreat Conductor is The Rev’d Fr. Kari Marcelle.

Each Parish is kindly  asked to  send four  servers to  the  retreat  and  make  a contribution of $100.00XCD towards the retreat.

Family Day 2016
This year the  Archdeaconry  of Grenada will celebrate  their  Family Day on Thursday 26th May, 2016  and the  Archdeaconry  of  St. Vincent  and the  Grenadines  on  Sunday 19th June, 2016. Please keep these two events in your prayers and begin your preparations to be present.

We  have learnt  of  the  passing of  Mr.  Benjamin  Coy of  Carriacou, who  died  in Grenada  on Saturday 12th March, 2016. Mr. Coy was Priest Warden, Lay Reader and Chalice Bearer in the Parish of Christ the King Carriacou for several years. We extend our condolences to his relatives and to Canon Clement Francis and the people of Christ the King, Carriacou.   His Funeral service is scheduled  for  2:00pm  on Tuesday 29th March, 2016 at the  Christ the King Parish Church, Carriacou.  Rest eternal Grant unto  him 0′ Lord.  And let light perpetual shine upon him.  May he rest in peace. Amen.

Provincial Youth Gathering
Parishes who hope to send more than one delegate please inform me soonest. Please see the attached here.

With every good wish and God’s Blessings!

Yours sincerely

Rev’d C. Leopold Friday

Bishop of the Windward Islands