To: Clergy and People

From: The Bishop

21st March, 2016

I invite  you to join me in congratulating Sir Lyle St. Paul (Justice Lyle St. Paul), former Diocesan Chancellor for over twenty years on being knighted by Her Majesty The Queen during her New Year’s Honours, 2016. Sir Lyle St. Paul is a Grenadian and is a member of the St. George’s Parish Church, Grenada.

I am kindly asking each Incumbent to select a member from your Parish who’ll be responsible for organising the Walk-A-Thon in your Parish and send their name to me along with contact information. The Friends of the Diocese would like to convene a meeting with them through Skype.

Provincial Youth Gathering
Please see the attached updated Information Sheet. Parishes who hope to send more than one delegate please inform me soonest.

With every good wish and God’s Blessings!

Yours sincerely

The R . Rev’d C. Leopold Friday

Bishop of the Windward Islands