To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
4th November, 2016
Greetings, grace and peace to you from God our Father and the lord Jesus Christ!
On Tuesday 8th November, 2016 we celebrate the 138th Anniversary of the Diocese of the Windward Islands. I am asking each Parish to kindly have the celebration of the Holy Eucharist on this Day to mark the Anniversary and to pray for the Bishop, Clergy, and People of the Diocese, including those who have gone before us,and for vocations to the sacred Priesthood.
Stewardship Sunday
This is a kindly reminder that Sunday 13th November, 2016 is Stewardship Sunday. Let us pray for all Christians that we may be faithful Stewards.
Christian Stewardship
Q. What is Christian Stewardship?
A. Christian Stewardship is the Christian’s response of love and thankfulness to the redemptive love of God in Jesus Christ.
Q. How is that response expressed in Christian Stewardship?
A. The response is expressed in four ways:
a) by a life committed to the worship of God, and to the study of His will for us as this is revealed in the Holy Scriptures;
b) by giving of our time and talents to expressing the love of God through service to our fellow human beings;
c) by a responsible use of the earth and the rest of creation, so that neither human nor animal life is endangered;
d) by using our money and other material possessions prudently in providing for our families, and in promoting the Church’s ministry to the
Q. How do we practice Christian Stewardship?
A. We practice Christian Stewardship by participating as fully as possible in the programme of worship and service in our parish.
Q. Why should we participate fully in the programme of our parish?
A. We should participate fully because it is only by so doing that we shall respond to God as we ought, express real commitment to Him, and inspire others to give themselves in service to God.
Advent Mission 2017
The Advent Mission Service 2017 in the Archdeaconry of St. Vincent and the Grenadines is scheduled for 9:30am on Advent Sunday 27th November, 2016 at the Arnos Vale Sporting Complex. This will be followed by the Youth service at 2:00pm. The theme is: “As a Shoot From The Root: Mission from the Place of The Local Church.” The Preacher is the Rev’d Canon Michael Marshall, Rector of the Parish of St. Andrew, Grenville with The Holy Innocents, St. Giles and St. Michael, St Andrew, Grenada.
Let us all prepare to renew our Baptismal Vows and to rekindle our Commitment as disciples of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
All Anglicans and Friends of Anglicanism are invited to attend.
With every good wish and God’s blessings!
Yours Sincerely
The R . Rev’d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands