To: Clergy and People

From: The Bishop

5th September, 2016


Temporary Placement

I have appointed the Rev’d Fr. Ulric C-Jones as Priest in Charge of the Parish of St. Paul, Calliaqua with  St. John, Belair for a period of three months with effect from 5 September, 2016.

196th Anniversary

Tuesday 6th September, 2016  marks the 196th anniversary of the dedication of the St. George’s Cathedral, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. It was dedicated on 6th September, 1820.

100th Anniversary

The Anglican High School St. George’s Grenada is celebrating its 100th Anniversary this month.  Please see the attached.

Provincial meeting on Christian Education

The Standing Committee of the Church in the Province of the West Indies has requested a meeting  of the Christian Education Officers in the Dioceses to consider all material currently being used in Sunday Schools.

I have asked the Rev’d Canon Ashton Francis to represent  us at this meeting which will be held at Hillcrest Retreat Centre, St. Ann’s, Jamaica on 27th and 28th  September, 2016. The travel dates are 26th and 29th.  The Coordinator will be the Reverend Douglas Barnes, Christian Education Officer of the Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands.

They have asked that each Diocese bring along samples of whatever material or curriculum which is in use in the Diocese. This group is being requested to provide an interim report  for Standing Committee  in October 2016, including recommendations on a way forward for provincial material.

Consequently, I am kindly asking all parishes to send to Canon Ashton Francis samples of whatever material or curriculum being used in your parish  by the Monday 19th September, 2016. This should give him just under one week to collate the information.

Provincial Commission on Ministry

The Venerable J Everton Weekes will be representing the Diocese at a meeting of the Provincial Commission on Ministry to be held at the Hillcrest  Diocesan Retreat Centre, Brown’s Town, St. Ann, Jamaica on Tuesday, October 4th and Wednesday October 5th, 2016. Travel dates are Monday 3rd and Thursday 6th October, 2016.

St. George’s Parish Church, Grenada

The restoration of the St. George’s Parish Church, St. George’s, Grenada which was severely damaged during the passing of hurricane Ivan in  September, 2004  is progressing smoothly.  Archdeacon Glasgow hopes that we’ll be dble to celebrate the Holy Eucharist to mark the opening of the 36th session of the Synod of the Diocese of the Windward Islands at the St. George’s Parish Church, on Sunday 16th October, 2016. The restoration will not be completed  then but he hopes that it will be in good shape to have the service there. Your kind contributions towards the restoration will be greatly appreciated. For more information please contact Archdeacon Glasgow by telephone  1 473-440-2169, 473-440-6282, 473-407-2010 or email

Please see the attached Cruise as well.

Non Stipendiary Deacons

It is my intention to meet with all Non Stipendiary Deacons, before the end of the year 2016, to assess their  ministry thus  far, determine the way  forward and to provide opportunities for continuing education and training.

With every good wish and God’s blessings!

Yours Sincerely

The R . Rev’d C. Leopold Friday

Bishop of the Windward Islands