To: Clergy and People
From: The Venerable Christian Glasgow
17th August, 2016
The Diocese of the Windward Islands wishes to inform all of the passing of the Rev Father James Daniel of Point Espagnol, Owia, St. Vincent, who died this morning 17th August, 2016.
Father Daniel was ordained Deacon on 12th March 1978 ,and Priest 15th August,1984. He served in the following Parishes: Holy Trinity, Georgetown as assistant Priest, St. Vincent, St. Mathew Biabou, St. Vincent, Grace Church, Riverre Doree, St. Lucia, St. Patrick, Barrouallie , St. Vincent, and St. Philip , Mesopotamia, St. Vincent. After his retirement he assisted in the Parish of Holy Trinity, St. Vincent.
Father Daniel was a faithful man of God, who was always willing to go the extra mile, he will be remembered for his words of wisdom and love for people.
The Diocese extend deep sympathy to his wife Sybil, children including Hon. Mongommery Daniel, Crispin lay reader of Holy Trinity Parish and other relatives and families, the Rev’d Father Kari Marcelle and Members of the Parish of Holy Trinity, Georgetown, with St. John, Holy Name, St Peter, St. Luke and Byer Chapel, St. Vincent.
Rest Eternal Grant unto him O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him.
May He Rest in Peace. Amen
The Venerable Christian Glasgow
Priest with oversight of Diocese