To: Clergy and People
From: The Bishop
7th July, 2017



The Rev’d Fr. Junior Ballantyne is scheduled to have surgery this week. I ask your prayers for him, Mrs. Ballantyne and the rest of the Family.


We have learnt of the passing of Ms. Theresa Francis mother in law of the Rev’d Mrs. Verbina Gonsalves, and mother of Prime Minister, Dr.the Honourable Ralph Gonsalves. I take this opportunity to extend our deepest sympathy to Rev’d Mrs Verbina Gonsalves and Mr. Gonsalves and family, Dr. the Honourable Ralph Gonsalves and Mrs. Gonsalves and Family, other relatives and friends. May they experience the comfort of God’s holy presence and know the consolation of God’s love.

Rest eternal grant unto her O Lord, And let light perpetual shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Amen.

40th Anniversary

I invite you to join me in congratulating the Venerable J. Everton Weekes and The Rev’d Fr. Ulric Jones as they celebrate their Ruby Jubilee 40th Anniversary of their Ordination to the sacred order of Priests.

There will be a celebration of the Holy Eucharist to mark this occasion at 3:00pm on Monday 7th August, 2017 at the St. Paul’s Parish Church, Calliaqua. The offering will go to toward the restoration of the St. George’s Cathedral.

Your prayers and presence are requested.

Special Collection

Those Parishes who have not yet submitted their Special Offering for Codrington College to the Diocesan Office which was to be taken on Vocation Sunday 7th May, 2017 are kindly reminded to do so by Friday 28th July, 2017.

Agents of Change Programme – Archdeaconry SVG

I am asking you to kindly encourage members of your various congregations to attend the Agents of Change programme, scheduled for 18th, 19th and 20th July at the Anglican Pastoral Centre.

The main facilitator will be Mr. Clifton Nedd. Please see the attached Agents of Change Introductory Guide and Agents of Change – Introductory workshop leaflet for potential participants.

Information on registration will be circulated to you later.

This programme will be offered in the Archdeaconries of Grenada and St Lucia at a later date. With every good wish and God’s blessings!

Yours sincerely

The Rt. Rev’ d C. Leopold Friday
Bishop of the Windward Islands